Component 1: Pre-design
The completion of the activities under Component 1 will enable the project to review compliance of the outputs from the previous assignment concerning conceptual stage of design with the relevant legislation, spatial plans of the RS, Spatial plan of the city Banja Luka for the period up to 2030, as well as to provide for the optimisation of the intervention, update of the existing conceptual design/preliminary solution and if necessary the update of the related studies.
Component 1 includes following phases:
- Phase 1: Report on analyses of the compliance of the conceptual design/preliminary solutions with the respective legal framework;
- Phase 2: Study on optimisation of the alignment, connections of the motorway to the existing network, and adjusting the road network colliding with the motorway;
- Phase 3: Technical Study;
- Phase 4: Traffic Study;
- Phase 5: Pre-feasibility Study.