Component 3: Design Basis
The completion of the activities under Component 3 will provide the basis for optimisation of preliminary and main design development.
This Component will result with: a) geodetic surveys, assessment of land features and elevations, determination of the presence of underground obstacles, and identification of potential hazards; b) assessment of all the data collected from the previous studies and new data obtained from the field research, determination of engineering-geological conditions of the terrain, engineering-field mapping, data on landslides and unstable slopes, as well as the most basic features of the outside areas of landslides and the needs of the engineering-geological maps and terrain maps.
Thorough geodetic surveys will help to ensure a smooth process for design of a well-built road.
Implemented geological, hydrogeological and engineering geological field mapping, with exploration trenching and geotechnical classification of rock masses and laboratory tests will provide basic parameters for the level of the preliminary and main design.
Component 3 includes following phases:
- Phase 6: Detailed geodetic survey;
- Phase 7: Geophysical and geotechnical investigations and surveys.